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30 Deacons Ln
Wilton, CT, 06897
United States

The Lt. John G. Corr Memorial Award is presented each year, along with a framed certificate and medallion, to the graduating senior of Wilton High School who, in the opinion of the Directors, best personifies the devotion to his studies, the participation in sports, the qualities of true leadership and the exemplary personal character and patriotism of the man whose name it bears.


Lt. John G. Corr Memorial Award

In memoriam to a young man, Wilton High School graduate and Wilton, Connecticut native who served his country and paid the supreme sacrifice.
December 28, 1967, Vietnam.

Who is John G. Corr?

Who is John G. Corr?

What is The Lt. John G. CorrMemorial Award?

What is The Lt. John G. Corr
Memorial Award?

Award Recipients

Award Recipients

Wilton varsity ltr.png
“Loyalty and his tendency to dismiss pain may have doomed him in Vietnam.
After he was wounded he insisted on going back to his men.
He was killed leading them in battle.”

Recipients and Board Members photographed by Gretchen McMahon

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